Banned by @Nikobain . He is mostly inactive so we might get a SOP to handle this. @Wairoa @PrinceMark @madant79 @Ouhai_Ruby @Sacreddeathflame @Shadowmeire628 @Kurry
thank you i have wanted to get back to building on this server
I was involved a lot with the situation when it first escalated - I think I gave him a tempban for the building, PvP and overall uncompromising manner.
He was annoying, yes. But, gosh, this was so long ago, I wouldn’t really be opposed to having him back (on thin ice, of course).
I wanna wait to see what the SOPs have to say.
im sorry about the entire thing i was being childish
Ban reason says ‘unwanted pvp, building w/o permission’.
I think a year and a half is long enough.
Will unban when I next come online.