Light Rapid Transit Renewal

As most people know, the rail project was never finished. I would like to add to what has been done and finish it. However, I don’t have the money or materials or time to do it by my self.

If anyone has materials to donate or would like to help me PM me or msg me online. If I collect what I need I will post another thread with a list of what to do and materials needed.

Thank you,


I have no problem with this, but I would have appreciated it if you asked me first, as it was originally my project. I did not exactly abandon it, I had just got busy and it seemed that, it would be finished just as 1.8 comes out and would be too big to copy over. There is also the issue with griefed tracks.

liam, if you create a world edit slection over segments of track and use “/region define” you can stop others from modifying them

I have some high speed rails in a chest at my station I can give you. Start mining gold ad redefine though, it’s not enough to finish the project.

Sorry Liam, this was just to see if we could drum up support for the rail system. I would have asked before I modified or used your stuff.

On another note: Once 1.8 comes out, it would make more sense to continue. However, I will still work on the Forsyth line because Forsyth is likely to get copied over. The main station will be located next to Forsyth Arena (It is there now).

SO to some up:

My Revitilization of the whole rail is hatled until 1.8 and hopefully I can work with you, Liam.
Forsyth Line will continue and will be added to the main lines after 1.8 again, hopefully.

Thank you,


Sure :slight_smile:

I have another project underway at the moment, which I hope to have copied over.