Leaving PCB for half of Month.


I’m leaving this message for you guys that I’m leaving the server for half of month becuase of this irreparable “Loading Terrain” Freezing/Issue, and until my other computer (IMac) is here I won’t be playing for so long maybe a couple of weeks I don’t know, so If anyone who loves me as a friend I’m gonna say “Bye, see you in December”. So my leaving starts today and ends in Dec 21st.

Kind Regards,

Love, Andre.

Goodbye, Andre. I hope you have a good pre-Christmas season.

hope to see ya soon

bye bye Andre. We will miss you and see you soon!

Hey sry for shouting at you earlier today about it, bye and see you in december :-[ <3

One more thing:

Once I get back, I’m going to make another town in survival. I’ll try my best with the designs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Cya! Merry Christmas if I don’t see you!

Hopefully your problems will be solved by then

Cya andre! Hope you get the problem fixed :slight_smile:

Hope to see you soon Andre! Best of luck! <3