KingDrunknMonkey - 24th of September, 2014


Minecraft Username KingDrunknMonkey

Date of Ban 24th of September, 2014
Server Survival/Creative
Banned by Johlh97

Reason for Ban Griefing coasters that I ride on!

Reason to be Unbanned i didnt do it and if i did it it whas an exident or someone hacked my acc

[ Ban History ] No previous ban appeals on record.

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All I can say, is that has GOT to be one of the shittiest reasons for an unban. Even mentioning the “or someone hacked my acc” makes me just want to auto-deny.

Your choice here, John.

UM yeah I was there, I checked the glass broken with log block and it said it was you, and I agree with zak, you have a crap reason to be unbanned. I mean I am more willing to unban greifers if they just come out and say they did it, but when they deny they did it then im not so willing to unban. Johns decision though.

You broke glass on ninjamonk’s roller coaster in creative, effectively flooding the rails that were near the water.

Any memories of this?

The accused had more than 48 hours to respond, and hasn’t even taken the time to get on the forums since posting, let alone to respond. Locking, they will remain banned.

To John, sorry for taking charge, just was tired of seeing the ban appeal thingy at the bottom of the screen for a player who isn’t even checking it. :stuck_out_tongue: