July Building Contest!

Category: Monthly Build Competition
Time: NOW
Server: Survival


This month’s challenge is to…

[glow=red,2,300][size=36pt]Build an Airship![/glow]
(Shadow will now love me for the rest of his life)

[glow=red,2,300][size=18pt]Competition rules:[/glow]
Entries can be built by one player or by a group.
All items used in the construction must be legitimately obtained - Either mined or bought. No worldedit or anything like that.
Texture packs may be used to ‘enhance’ looks of creations. The name and a download link to the texture pack used must be included in your entry.
Entries must be submitted by the end of this month (Midnight of 31st July GMT)
Entries are to be submitted as a response to this post including an image and co-ordinates of your creation.

I couldn’t host a competition and not have any prizes! Nobody would take it seriously (If people competed at all)
So here is a list of proposed prizes (subject to change):

1st place:
1 monster spawner of the player’s choice.
$5,000 in-game.

2nd place:
5 spawn eggs of the player’s choice.
$2,500 in-game.

3rd place
2 free enchantments of the player’s choice on a previously unenchanted tool/weapon/armour.
$1,250 in-game.


lol, I like the prizes too.

What are you judging on?

(p.s I’d love second)

I will be judging on how good I think the airship is. Looks mainly.

I’m probably not going to enter this one, but I have a suggestion for the next month…CASTLES!!!

I already have contests planned up to September, but all suggestions will be taken into consideration :slight_smile:

could you give us a hint of what’s to come?

Who wants to team up with me?

im teamed up with Sacred already… i hope everyone is ready to be blown out of the water.

Airship… meaning blimps? Or any aircraft?

Imagines to make Hindenburg Lol nowai.

By airship does airplane count? If it does I will kick everyone’s …

airship as in flying ships? or airplanes? or zepplin things?

We just asked the same question lmao. So, what is it?

im thing bout doing it, does anyone wanna join up ?


Billy and Billy to conquer the world?

I believe airship would be directed at zepplins or any other ship made origionally for sea, but modified by the use or sails, proppelers or balloon in order to achieve flight. I don’t believe airplanes would count.

Starting building in single player, does this shape look good, or should it be longer? xD

looks great mate, now you have 15 days to do it over in SMP