jplett: june 1

Minecraft Username: jplett
Approximate Date of Ban: june 1
OP Who Banned You: hard 24get

Reason for Ban: dirt spamming
Reason for Unban: it was my first time playing minecraft, it was my friends place i didn’t do it in cc and my friend ka_52 told me to

Even if it is your friend’s house, editing ANYONE’S structure in ANY WAY is counted as griefing.
You will have to wait for hard to comment as I can add no more to the matter. I didn’t witness the incident.

my friend also told me to to help get people confused

I know its none of my business but everyone who appeals starts off with “It was my first time playing minecraft” Why do they all always say that?

it actualy was i had just bought the account

can someone please un-ban me i love building and my friend told me to as proof of my buildings go to
all of the pictures of the main server are made in the world that i created ofline

i am really sorry and i won’t do it again and i really want to build on this server and play with my friends

according to the rules
*Griefing is defined as the act of destroying/modifying other builder’s works in order to annoy, or against the wishes of the original builder. Griefing can be spotted by random holes in the ground, or in structures.
the owner told me to place the dirt in front of the signs on his land so i was not greifing i was just doing something he was to busy to do

[Edited by Nek?: Do not double post again. You have been warned.]

I thought i unbanned you… Anway… Dont Do that again.
And I should keep you banned for Qaudrupile Posting

First off…

First time playing Minecraft?
Play single player FIRST not a server!

You obviously don’t know the ropes off the game, this isn’t Call of Duty where you jump right into the multiplayer at once without needing to learn anything.

You actually need to learn what I like to call Minecraft Common Sense.

As I said on another ban appeal. You wouldn’t walk into town and start breaking windows or throwing dirt around, so why do it in minecraft? It’s not even minecraft common sense, it’s general common sense.

I gave you a 20% warning for double posting TWICE (quadruple posting).

Don’t do it again. If you want to add to your original post, then use the Modify feature to edit your post.