John and hacked clients, a story of bravery. A story of trust. A story of stuff.

Right, so after the banning of Airstar. Figured I should say this. I use a hacked client. I run this client in creative only.
The hacks I use on this client are as follows:

Auto-brightness - makes it day, all the time

Fast place - Place blocks are 3x the normal speed.

ALSO, I have used a nuker in the past (to clear land) however as I realized this caused server lag, I have stopped.
Figured I should say this now for safeties sake.


Given what happened with airstar, I’d make sure you don’t use the fast place any more. As for the autobright, you can keep using that in Creative.

As for the fact that you actually downloaded a hacked client, scan your PC for malware. Like, right now.

Alright, thanks.
I figured out how to mod my mouse without a program anyways!
Unreliable but it works.