
Yeah, i think if i was to get my cartoons started and put up on youtube and got a little noticed. Then that would be pretty good if i wanted to go and try to show a good cartoon channel or something. If i got REALLY POPULAR on youtube, then i wouldn’t even have to show it off to a cartoon channel to get published and stuff. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think you can do it myth use your old notebook with all you monsters things in it.

Start that channel Myth. I want to see what you can do xD

Also, I’d quite like to go into architecture. But not necessarily an architect. I’d quite like to be a structural engineer. Basically an architect who makes the building stay up as well as look nice.

yes start the channel i shall be your biggest fan :b lol

I completely forgot about my notebook full of monsters. XD I made that around 4th to 5th grade. :stuck_out_tongue: I looked in it and noticed how much of a difference there was between then and now in how i draw. I think maybe i will for now just do a channel on how i draw the pics. At least until i can manage to get a job and afford a new computer and tablet to put the drawings into animations. :smiley:

SPEED ART! :smiley:

YUP :smiley:
I plan on taking this little tutor thingy online that will help my drawing skills a ton.
The only problem is that i wouldn’t be coloring any of the pics cuz i kinda suck at coloring right now. XD I found some awesome kind of markers, they are called copics. Do yall have any opinions on them? When i saw people draw with them, they just looked very good, and a lot easier than using some crayola marker. :stuck_out_tongue:


I plan on Graduating early, already on track for that, and then proceeding to go to college for Computer Science, with maybe a minor in Graphic Design or Game Development.

PS. To all of you computer science people out there. Computer Science is really fun. (BHS Comp Sci team captain)

Crap, 'guess my future quite sucks lol.

We should have been migrated to Hawaii last September, but due to delays, we’re not entirely sure when’s our departure anymore. It might take several months, or a year, or more than a year. So for safety measures, my parents decided to get me a 2-yr course instead of a 4-yr one.

I’m currently taking a 2-yr IT Course, no plans on what job I’m taking since I want to take college again when I get to Hawaii.

And, the only reason I’m going to college right now is simply : “I don’t have anything to do at my house so my parents decided to get at least a diploma for a course.” Lol.

lol XD
“Well i have nothing to do so i may as well go to school some more, and get a ton of homework that i would rather not do and be back to doing nothing again.”

Just saying most colleges like full stay at high school even if all requirements are met, some people in my class could graduate at the end of this year.