
JmvRail is a railway line, that will hopefully link the server together. My main goal is to connect the upper east, and then spread out. JmvRail has an engine in Belport. Please contact jmvvana if you would like [b]JmvRail[b/] to connect to your city, or if you just want to see it. Thank you very much. [As of right now, JmvRail needs permission from Octo. Wairoa said that it was likely that JmvRail will be allowed.]

On behalf of PCBT, we don’t believe that JmvRail is best to suit the server now. We have a series of regulations in place already that we decided upon quite a while in advance to make the server a more organized place, our main reason being that the organization of the previous map was a disaster. We nationalized the transportation briefly, then left it to only roads and rails to give more freedom. The difference between roads and rails and other modes of transport is that they require actual connection between the cities. There is no connection necessary between airports, just “flight routes,” and the same goes to sea travel as well. If we have more than one rail system, the map will begin to become disorganized. In addition, PCBrail plans to cover the same areas JmvRail does, so there is no valid point in a connection.

Please feel free to discuss below.


I understand, but hopefully JmvRail can link at least a few nearby cities. Everything in Minecraft is pointless, especially on PCB. It wastes our time, but it gives us the illusion of comfort, fun, structure, and economy, so what hard would a train do? Seriously, what harm cancan it do? I understand that last map was a knot of rails, but the Acra/Empire area is to blame on that. Limiting me because of last maps faults isn’t exactly fair, but Ill take it. As far as I know, KoninRail links the large cities of Konin to Portland. The two cities practically touch, and PCBT already connects the two. Daqwid was allowed to make KoninRail, nothing asked, but Belport, farther from most warp cities is not allowed a rail of its own. I planned to connect Belport to Budapest (which I believe does not have a station, although it has a warp) using JmvRail. I also got requests from various others to connect JmvRail to their cities, such as jahbrenpanvilla, and his city Donton. JmvRail doesn’t take up much space, and I kindly request that you rethink a bit. I no longer plan to connect the entire upper east with JmvRail, as I now realize that that is incredibly stupid. I respect your response, but I was looking forward to advancing JmvRail it would fit into most stations anyway. PCBT is becoming a knot itself with various URLs to various permission requests, and before preventing players from making minor things, you may want to fix the PCBT system first. :stuck_out_tongue: Thank you, for considering the above, @Amphitryon

Best regards and wishes to PCBT,

jmvvana and JmvRail

I don’t remember there being a time where KoninRail received permission, I’ve actually been looking into this. And, as far as the “check yoself before you rek yoself” comments go, I don’t even handle that. But, anyway, unless we receive major dissent from the PCBT staff, I think that our regulations will stay in place.

That’s not really the point. Obviously, a smaller scale railway system wouldn’t do harm, but there would be no real benefit and some possible confusion.

Again, discussion is open, but, unless I see some major dissent from PCBT staff members, I think it’s assumed the regulations will stay in place.

Amphitryon on behalf of PCBT


Again, discussion is open, but, unless I see some major dissent from PCBT staff members, I think it’s assumed the regulations will stay in place.


@Wairoa told me that he liked JmvRail, and thought that it was highly likely to succeed. @jahbrenpanvilla liked JmvRail, and wants a connection. @EstevaoBuilder , @Leobhz , and @tuzao liked JmvRail and want a connection. @Sammythekat likes JmvRail, @VRA likes JmvRail @daqwid2727poland liked JmvRail, @Fairytaillov3r supports JmvRail, @whbilbo Likes JmvRail and is considering a connection, and so many others support JmvRail too. Theres really nothing bad with it.

@Wairoa told me that he liked JmvRail, and thought that it was highly likely to succeed. @jahbrenpanvilla liked JmvRail, and wants a connection. @EstevaoBuilder , @Leobhz , and @tuzao liked JmvRail and want a connection. @Sammythekat likes JmvRail, @VRA likes JmvRail @daqwid2727poland liked JmvRail, @Fairytaillov3r supports JmvRail, @whbilbo Likes JmvRail and is considering a connection, and so many others support JmvRail too. Theres really nothing bad with it.

But, that’s not really telling us anything… The majority of the server supports PCBT/1.8 rules, so…

Fact of the matter is we already have people within our pcbt staff gathering a list of all known cities and then coming up with the best solutions to transportation in order to create an organized and clean railway system that everyone can enjoy. None of this “extra” railway lines is needed at all, everyone else has been following the regulations and working together with pcbt staff to make connections so why is it that you are making your own rail? This makes absolutely makes no sense, kinda defies the point/work/effort that pcbt staff have already put into present and future considerations, and just creates more confusion.

Please do not continue this, do not make these rails official, and do not try to follow through with this. You will confuse newer members to the community to a precedent that had officially been set for this map and that would be very bad on your end if its your responsibility that everyone becomes confused and “against” pcbt when our motive is to create less confusion, make things easier for everyone, and make things actually look and link together nicely. Do not carry on with this or there will be further problems

This shouldn’t even be a fucking argument IMO…

PCBT isn’t working so far. Its a mess. And trains, planes, cars, ect. aren’t run by one company universally, I and think that we could all agree that diversity would look good in stations, besides having 3 PCBT trains side by side. . I agree with Ouhai too, but youre all being tyrants with this. The same people who made last map’s transportation a mess are running something that is trying to prevent the mess, but PCBT is in fact creating a mess in itself. I don’t think anybody on the server likes your “organization”. Take my word for that. PCBT is just taking away the liberty to build trains, cars, roads, airports, seaports, ect. and trying to do them all itself. PCBT is a horse with 5 legs, and the fifth running in the wrong direction. PCBT is a joke, and everyone would agree with this. Yeah, we’re fighting over a pixelated train, but I want to do that, and I don’t want a broken system titled “Project City Build Transport” getting into my way. Back to last map. what if we took out Acra City and Empire in a whole? Rails would be fine. Those two cities had several stations + subways themselves, and branched many rails in every direction. The people who staffed those cities are now ruling over everything and anything possible. Its really just a big joke guys. I like everyone in PCBT, and I respect you all, but youre just being flat out unfair with this. PCBT is a balloon constantly inflating. Its going to pop very soon.

Best regards,

jmvvana and his turned down system (which would work better than PCBRail), JmvRail

;D ;D ;D

Just saying, things like these aren’t helping your cause and make me think that you aren’t ready to do a project like this. I understand you’re passionate (aren’t we all), but this isn’t necessary.

Preface: Planes aren’t regulated anymore

Alright, let’s talk about this. How about we take the country that I know best that has sizable rail infrastructure, the United States. In the United States, there are multiple companies. Amtrak, RailAmerica, CSX, you name it. However, there’s a hell of a lot more regulation than you’d think. For example, Amtrak is partly government funded, which means the government would be able to change things they didn’t like. Imagine, would you rather build JmvRail and have us change what we didn’t like, or would you rather have us build a rail system (hypothetical question). In addition, during the Civil War, the Union and the Confederation changed the gauges (how much space in between the tracks) to make them unusable with the other country’s trains. After the Union won, all of the rail had to be converted back to the same gauge to allow for trains to run seamlessly. Again, another example of unity and control in American rails.

(Hesitantly) open to discussion,

It’s actually really simple…

If we have plans to go into your town, we will tell you. If not there is a form to request it. When we plan to start construction in your town, you will be contacted and we will arrange positioning.

In this case, you didn’t seek permission, which goes against the rules. When we are ready to extend the network to these towns, we will notify the owners.


Edit: According to the planninh board, we have permission for Belport, so we’ll talk to you when we’re constructing that line.

Edit 2: When I get home, I will make a brand new information thread with all of the information you need to know, as I can understand why the changes have been confusing.

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