JmvRail - take II

(Please do not count as a double post, as my last one was locked.)

This is the official post for all and everything related to JmvRail.

JmvRail is a privately owned rail line, built and ordered by Nexus Engineering. Please, comment below if you would like JmvRail to run into your city. Please comment in this format for requests. -

(City warp, or coordinates)

If you would like to see JmvRail, just visit the Belport Train Station.

Minor changes to trains are ok, as long as you have my permission (eg. a closer platform, a button here instead of there, ect.) But standardized trains are encouraged.

Here is an image with a similar looking choo-choo train to JmvRail’s fleet

Cities serviced by JmvRail : Belport,

Thank you for your cooperation and support throughout JmvRail’s struggles.

Help is needed, and appreciated

Okay look I need a system of rail running through VoltZ (Warp hopefully coming soon next week) so if you want we can touchbase on this and plan things out. Just one catch though I want JmvRail to provide the rail I want to use VeXX Tech. Design Trains running though. I’m just making a point. Here’s a list of what I want:

A Modern looking Railway Sytem to be run over the main roads of VoltZ (Kinda what Portland has)
A Railway station with 4 platforms in this layout R is Rail P is platform : R P R P R P R P.
4-5 Stops around the city

  • Sidenote my city is’nt exactly what you’d call developed yet so this project should move along with the pace of the city
    Hope we can talk about this :slight_smile: ~Vexnorz CEO, Founder of VeXX Tech. Mayor, Owner of VoltZ

Dude you need to educate yourself on forum necroing. Please stop posting in month+ old threads.

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