j4sonchen - unknown


Minecraft Username j4sonchen

Date of Ban unknown
Server Survival/Creative
Banned by unknown

Reason for Ban I don’t know

Reason to be Unbanned because I don’t remember being banned

[ Ban History ] No previous ban appeals on record.

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Banned under the former username “Chichibilly” on August 26, 2015 by TheOctopus for “Being an irritating twat”.

Oh. now i remember, it was so long ago. I just wanted to apologize for what I had did back then. I now realize how much of an idiot I was for bothering and disrespecting the staff. I believe that I learned my lesson and I would really want to see the innovation in the server. Would it be possible to unban me please? I promise that I will never do anything like that ever again, and you can permanently ban me if I do.

id like to add that when all this went down (I was a trusted at that time) you bypassed your ban. a lot. you came on, and there werent staff on, so I was telling you to leave or you would remain banned for bypassing, which is a serious offence. Because I didnt have the authority nor ability to enforce what I told you, you spammed and bypassed and continued to bypass.

Yes. Everything you stated was true. I was such a big idiot for doing that. I completely disrespected your orders to stay off the server. As I previously mentioned, I believe that I have learned from my mistakes. Nobody is perfect, but we can all learn and grow. Sometimes, second chances are given. Can I have another chance please?

Forgive me for reopening this appeal but I had a chance to talk with j4sonchen’s brother. After hearing him out about this incident I did a look over and it seems pretty harsh to perma-ban someone for being a cunt and bypassing a ban. I know this is Octopus’s decision but it’s been well over a year since he was banned, is that not punishment enough for what he did at the time?

It’s not really for bypassing it, although that doesn’t help. The player was the kind of person who was a consistent problem for the community, with many smaller offences. The fact that it wa bypassed several times, continually so after warnings is very serious as well.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays (if you don’t celebrate christmas)

Hi TheOctopus. I really do apologize for what I did last year. Those many small offences added up to be one big huge one. That time, I was a huge idiot. It has been a year and I learned my lesson. I promise to be respectful to others and think of other people’s feelings before I do my actions. I just want to build with my sister and one of my best friends, whbilbo.

I just thought that a year away from the server would be enough time for someone to mature and reflect on their actions. That and the fact it’s Christmas making me nicer than usual. But since I wasn’t around at the time I don’t know his behavior that led to the ban. So it’s still completely up to you, if your decision stands firm then I won’t question it further.


TheOctopus, it’s completely up to you if you will unban me or not. I have done what I have done in the past and I can’t change it. I believe that I have changed and if you won’t forgive me, it’s totally fine.


Forget my generosity. This is denied. No more second chances for fooling us.