Come one, come all, to the Project City Build’s Second Annual Christmas Event!
As you all know, Christmas is the time of giving. For this holiday, PCB hosts a gift giving event where players can create presents and give them to others.
How to participate:
[ol][li]Gather Items that you may wish to give to other players[/li]
[li]Warp to the Christmas Event area at /warp Christmas[/li]
[li]Find a spot within the circular boundary to build your present(s)[/li]
[li]Don’t forget to label to whom the Presents are for![/li][/ol]
[ul][li]Presents may not exceed a 5x5x5 box[/li]
[li]Do not open any presents to others(if they are not from you)[/li]
[li]Presents are not to be opened before 12:00(High Noon) GMT December 24th[/li][/ul]
I’ve already sorted out all of my christmas gifts, so yeah! I do like the kind of things that people have been doing, especially ferrari. (BTW - ‘Your new special friend’, AKA a snow golem is a great gift!)