Is this Mod malicious?

3. Do not use any malicious client-side mods or hacks. · This includes (but may not be limited to) X-ray, creative block nuker, torch nuker, aimbots, any and all pre-made hacked clients (such as Nodus). · Please note that this does NOT include Optifine.

I figured I should probably ask about this before using it. It’s called Schematica and it has 3 main functions. It is entirely client-side, and works fully on vanilla servers.

  1. Save
    You can select 2 points and then the cuboid defined by those two points is exported into the schematics directory

  2. Load
    You can select one of the schematics in the load directory, and a hologram of it will appear (that only the user can see) It also has layer-by-layer modes so that you can build one layer at a time of your design while seeing it in game.

  3. Print
    The mod will take control of you and place the blocks in the schematic within an up-to-5-block radius of you, not instantly. This function can be disabled though with the following simple block code “§0§2§0§0§e§f”


Well, I don’t believe this to be a malicious mod. The only function that seems even slightly questionable is print. Even so, I give my vote that it is okay to use.

In classic, I used a bot that did the same thing. It WAS another player that did what you just described.

I would like to hear any objections before you actually use it though. 24 hours.

This mod, at first glance does not look malicious. I will definitely heave to try it!

It has my vote as well!(FWIW)