Is Lucid dreaming a real thing????

So recently i have been trying to lucid dream. I have tried so many techniques that i found on the web to be able to control my dreams and do whatever i want in them. But they all fail and i get these crazy nightmares. literally whenever i try to attempt to lucid dream i see black tall things running after me and i feel my legs are so heavy. I either can’t run faster from them or sometimes i can’t move myself at all. And not only that i often see a hairy black thing sitting over my chest and i get a sensation of heaviness as well. i feel like i am trapped in a different world and i can’t wake up. when i eventually wake up i feel tired and frustrated.

If anyone had a past experience with lucid dreaming. did you get these types of dreams that i mentioned above? if yes. how often did you get them? were you able to control your dream? and whats the correct way to lucid dreaming? because clearly i am doing it wrong.

Another concern that i am thinking of. is lucid dreaming dangerous? because i saw some people pointing out that sometimes in their lucid dreams they can’t wake up for hours.

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It is real yes.
It takes a really long time to get to a point where you’re aware of your dreams

One technique i used was trying to look at my hands heaps of times throughout the day, and eventually I would try to do it in my dreams as well, but couldn’t see them for some reason, atleast not how I normally do when awake. So i was able to tell i was dreaming.

I never had bad dreams because i was actively trying to lucid dream, and my sleep wouldnt last any longer than normal. I only could get a lucid dream 3 times and it was only for a brief moment.

I’ve only had one or two lucid dreams, and not on purpose. They weren’t at all like the experiences you’re describing. Lucid dreaming can be kinda dangerous, in a way. Sleep paralysis is the only problematic side effect I’ve heard of.

I’ve had one lucid dream, I fell asleep in my own room in my own bed but I dreamed that I woke up on the pullout couch downstairs. The world was strange, I don’t know how to describe it, but in my dreaming state it seemed normal. Thats when I saw the clock on the wall- completely still. I looked away and looked back and it was completely still again, but in a whole new position. suddenly I realized I was lucid dreaming. I couldve done anything I wanted, but my dumbass decided to go back to sleep IN MY DREAM.

I’ve experimented with sleep paralysis on purpose- If you lay completely still in bed (and I mean completely still, no moving whatsoever) your body begins to desperately want changes in your surroundings. First I felt that my toes touch eachother, and then without moving I began to feel the thread count on my sheets, I could feel the way my individual hairs touched the pillow, I felt my heartbeat. After a long time of this, suddenly all of these feelings stopped. I felt like I was floating, and I couldn’t move my body. It wasn’t so much that I couldnt move my muscles, it was a feeling that it would take way too much effort to move. Limbs felt heavy, and I was pinned the way I chose. It was an experience that I would definitely try again.

To be honest I kind of want to try this now lmao… Do you just think of something before you dream or?

Its more about realizing the fact that you are dreaming while you are dreaming. Its a lot harder than it sounds though

I was talking to Wairoa about this a couple of days ago. What I realised is that it is unusual that I almost always lucid dream, in that, I am almost always aware that I am dreaming and can control what is happening in my dreams. I thought everyone could do this in their dreams but apparently not. TIL! Anyone else almost always lucid dream?

I lucid dreamt once, and I was dreaming about being a mario bros world, woke up saying “where is luigi” and other stuff still thinking I was in that world, took me a good 10minutes to realize what was going on and my parents thought I was mentally ill

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well i mean i don’t really dream at all unless its a nightmare. and i never have control even when actively trying to change them. so i don’t think its a real thing, personally think its people’s subconscious mind tricking them into thinking they are in control

Same here! it’s like watching a movie that I get to decide what happens, or like I am in the movie but get to make my own decisions. It’s hard to describe.

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I didn’t even realise this was a thing. I don’t think I have ever realised that I was in a dream until I wake up. Sounds pretty cool though, may have to try it out!

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to be fair lucid dreaming doesnt necessarily mean you can control a dream, it just means you’re aware that you are asleep and dreaming

I had lucid dreams a couple of times. It was quite fun
The first time i was so happy that i realized that was a dream, that i woke up. The second time i did manage to select what happened in the dream. Overall quite a fun experience.
totally reccomend 10/10

Hey Guys, All of your experiences are really interesting. You can achieve Lucid dreaming through particular drug use too, but it can be dangerous too. Many people say it opens you up and makes you vulnerable to demons etc. Which is why many people who experience sleep paralysis see the “tall black things” you mentioned. Our mind is a lot more powerful than we know. Some people are more in touch with it than others, some people accidentally find it through drug use and chemical imbalances… but this is when it is dangerous because you have less control over it. Definitely an interesting subject


It’s not very often that I dream at night, however when I do I can usually control it to a degree. I usually wake up as soon as the fun shit starts happening though XD


I think lucid dreaming is beyond just controlling your dreams. I think it’s something on a spiritual level. Lucid meaning bright. May have something more to do with the light bearer… Lucifer. Which would explain people seeing demons… idk just a thought, and explains some of the sketchy videos on lucid dreaming on youtube. Another level of lucid dreams can become astral projection.


sleep paralysis isn’t really dangerous as it doesn’t do you any harm

i was actually talking to my friend about people who see demons in lucid dreams and the fact that you mentioned it in your post just gave me the chills. Most YouTube videos make lucid dreams look like sunshine and rainbows and that’s quite the opposite of what i experienced. So fuck lucid dream! fuck demons i already have enough demons in my life i don’t need more. i am quite scared of doing it again