IRL Houses

Over on the dev map, we have a small growing community of players’ irl houses. So far there is Lyra, Brooding, Prince, and Wairoa. Anyone is welcome to join. The only official public use for Dev is maps, so the neighborhood might be moved to Creative at some point, or big city if the scale and quality are up to par.

I am willing to do my house :D. Is there any place where I should put it concretely?

Totally looking forward to doing mine

I would love to build mine! I technically live in a 2 floor apartment in a larger converted house. It would be fun to replicate the whole building though!

I wanted to build mine, but the proportions aren’t right and I’m bad at scaling :frowning:

Nice try, CIA

I have mine already built, if someone could help me w/e it.

I want to do mine! What are the coordinates?

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