IRC Channel

Need a way to contact one of us? Join us on our IRC channel!

Server: synIRC
Channel: #projectcitybuild

Don’t know how to join our channel? Lucky for you I painstakingly went and made a step-by-step tutorial.
Note: This is for mIRC, there are other ways to connect to the channel (such as Mibbit), but I will not bother to make a tutorial for that as Mibbit is the lazy-mans IRC.

First, download and install mIRC.

Click on it and let’s begin. You should get to this window eventually upon booting up mIRC.

Enter a nickname (preferrably the nickname you use while on our website or server in Minecraft) and pick an alternative nickname, in case someone already has your name.
You can leave Name and Email blank since those are optional.

If you notice it says Server: WebChat: Random server. That is usually the default server it picks for you. That’s not the server we’re hosted on. So goto Category on the left and click Servers.

Scroll through until you find the one titled synIRC, click on it and then double click on “Random server” (Do not press OK at the bottom, double click it). This will take you back to the first page you were on. Now you may click OK.

Now all that’s left is to connect to the IRC server and join our channel!

You’ll notice that in the window it says “not connected”. To be connected, look for the lightning bolt icon in the top right (I circled it) and click on it. Now wait until a new window pops up which will look something like this…

Now all you do is enter “#projectcitybuild” (Without quotations and with the # symbol at the beginning) and click “Join”.

There! You have successfully joined us on the IRC channel and may now contact us at any time. If we’re online that is.

If you plan on joining the IRC channel often, you can favorite the channel and join us without the hassle of repeatedly typing the channel name in.

Up top you see the tabs labeled “File”, “View”, “Favorites”, etc. Click Favorites then click “Organize Favorites…”. It will bring you back to the page where you type in the channel name. This time however, click Add on the rightside of the window and a new window will pop-up.

Under “Channel” type in “#projectcitybuild” and click Add at the bottom. It will now be added to your favorites under the Favorites tab.

Hope to see you guys join, I worked my ass off on this.

Hi Nek,
I am seriously impressed by your work on this IRC guide. I think this is a great way for users to get in touch with us.

A similar option for us is to use Steam to contact each other. I believe that most of us have Steam. The only problem is that it would only be good for smaller groups, Such as the OPs and SOPs. Thoughts?

By the way, I want your Yotsuba background! :smiley:

is this a 30 day trial only? if so its not going to be much use unless people are willing to pay, or are willing to be bothered to use it XD

It works without that annoying message at the start for 30 days. After that, it’s still useable, but you have to wait a couple of seconds more. I’ve been using mine for close to 3 years :stuck_out_tongue:

After the 30 day trial ends, it’ll pop up saying “Your trial is over”. If you wait like 10 seconds, you should see “Continue” light up and you can click it. Then you wait another 10 seconds and you click “Continue” again.

Or maybe Warezz BB has full ver/activation code

but u could just wait that really long 10 secs :slight_smile:

what are you trying to show?

I think that was funny as heck. He went through all the steps to use IRC, only to find that the channel did not exist. I guess the idea did not catch on very well. Sad, but a fun way of showing his grief.


oh right,

haha. poor guy :smiley:

It’s quite sad. I was in the IRC for a full month since posting this tutorial, and I’ve only had 2 visitors at most join.

A good idea, but didn’t work out so well.

We should get a front-page chat or something.

Ahh yes! You must remind me to integrate the IRC channel with the site!

We don’t have an IRC channel anymore, per say. Since I stopped going to it, it got unregistered.

I’d have to re-register it again.

Yes some chat system on the front page would be awesome with names instead of having to use map chat when unable to get onto MC…even better if you had to be a member to use it so no greifers.

EDIT: Goofmobber started a Facebook Group this may be good enough

Would be nice to have a instant chat feature like msn added to the website , maybe this is a idea to look into only concern i have with the idea it would be good if u had to login to talk an u can have multi chats so ops can have a chat if some thing pops up.