Invest in my villa!

You know what would be kinda cool? Do you happen to know the secret tomb located in this city? It is the family tomb of the Auditore family. In it, you learn a lot of the history of the family and the secret of their origins into nobility.

Could we put a warp button on the tomb’s entrance and actually make a parkour dungeon that has signs (or books) containing the actual text from the game? That would be epic!

I can easily get to the end and get you several stacks of endstone…I believe i have 7-10 stacks of endstone right now. Ill give it to you once i get on today :slight_smile:

That woud be epic kyle! I played in those tombs and they were EPIC! Having a nice little parcore thing would be sweet! +1 for a good idea!

dude, i can give you some more endstone as well. sorry i haven’t been on much lately. ill try to get on tonight and get some more sandstone, and ill bake that cake so you can take that off of your list =3

Well, I couldnt get on today because was durped up xD

Yeah I was considering that when i started the city! I’d love to do that, I already have that entrance made out. Im still busy working on the entire city, but kyle if you want you can help me make that catacomb much quicker?

one of the best villas ive ever seen.




Pistons d:

oh… facepalm

Don’t feel bad gamer, I had no idea what he meant either!

I’d love to help, but I don’t see “anyone” on when I join. Then again, I seem to be on at odd times compared to all but Andy and Spec. I sometimes run into them lately.

Perhaps you can post when you are often on and I can try to check for you being on?

Im usually on like 4 - 9 central time.


IDK if you have been working on the gate area for the Tomb place but i am working on it… (redstone noob)

If you know how to make it work and is kinda similar to the way its opened in the game, i’ll very much consider putting it in my villa :slight_smile:

Well, Levers work too xD

YMB are you almost finished with your project?

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