Image glitches?

So today, I was browsing the PCB forums and came across this:

Is it just mine or is any of this happened to you?

I don’t have it personally. Using Chrome Build 25.0.1364.172m. On Chrome Canary latest build there are some slight problems but not this particular one.

That glitch is probably due to your browser not supporting transparent images - which means you’re using a very outdated browser/version. Which one exactly are you using?

Version 6.0 (7536.25) Safari

And then theres this:

Odd. Might be using some weird version of WebKit? In safari’s next minor update I would think it’ll be fixed. I don’t think its an issue with the site.

Non, Ego possum video beno illum.

Safari views pcb properly on my MBA - Safari 6.0.2, OS X Lion

This happened to me on the server

Lol wut? I have a few shots like that as well. It was because my version of MC was not actually the right version. Have you tried a force update?

This was quite a while ago, it hasn’t done that since then. : >