To anyone who has ever been called Gay, weird, dumb, stupid, or been made fun of for something you love that is not “Normal” you should know what it feels like to be this kid. I find it absolutly atrocious that such a young life has almost been cut short, and i would like to bring this community together to do something for this family.
I know we can’t do this for every kid out there
but damnit we can at least strike out and help someone who is in need.
Idk what we can do for this kid, but please, lets put our heads together and come up with a fundraising idea!
Coming from a guy that has attempted suicide twice with the scars to prove it all you can do is pray for him man. And to anyone who has contemplated suicide all I can say is that you do matter, and you are important. Over the past 20 years of my existence I have never once met anyone that isn’t important, so just hang in their.
Tis very sad… I did like that the cast of MLP actually recorded messages for the boy. That is almost the kind of thing the Make A Wish foundation would get to happen. More than any monetary value, that means far more to him.
Aside from helping with the hospital bill, I don’t think we can help him financially. If there were an online get well soon card or the like, I would sign. Also, note that the Brony community has shown the boy a lot of support.
How terrible that because of peer pressure in the modern world today this child has attempted this.
Let us all hope and pray for him and his family.
You hear of this so often now that children and even older teens attempt suicide and many regretfully succeed all because they feel there is no other way through this.
I know it is hard but you have to ignore the bullies - go and talk to an adult - always seek help.
You only have one life please DON’T let others take that from you.
There will always be someone you can talk to that can help, a family friend, parent, doctor,social worker or just a mate online.
All our thoughts and best wishes go to him and his family.
The people that have caused this young lad to do this are bullies and will remain so until people stand upto them.
Exhale: After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-4394253
Child Abuse: 1-800-422-4453
Kids Help Phone (Canada): 1-800-668-6868, Free and available 24/7
And should you not live in one of the above countries, try this site
EDIT: I forgot to mention that most of this list was compiled by Zoey from the Yogscast (who went through something similar to this, and as a result does not show her face in public) , however there wasn’t much for the US, so I added most of those.
So yeah it’s bad, but people have taken the completely wrong approach to this. Why would you donate all this money to him? Why not donate to the charities that could stop loads of the same case, instead of sending a ton of excess to one child?
Don’t wanna sound like a douche but I might, oh well.
Jape has a point. As nice as it is to help out this one kid, it would do a lot more for a lot more people to support one of those help-lines or a group which deals with these kinds of people all the time.
Supporting this one kid is somewhat like focusing all our aid in Africa into 1 village. While they get fed and live well, the rest still suffer.