i repent.

hey gais its me weeeeeeee368.
i was banned, for good reason, but i am here to say “I REPENT!”.
i did some pretty stupid stuff and i am sorry.
please unban me, and put me as a lower rank.
please forgive me PCB… :’(

pretty sure this aint mine to judge so id like to say i believe in second chances, and its been a while since the banning, maybe a second chance is in order here?

i agree i think he deserves a second chance. :smiley:

You posted our ip. On avo.
We can let you in
But you will be member and have almost no chance of getting staff status again. I still want to.keep you banned for what you said ablut my mother

I’m very iffy on this. I really don’t know if we need anymore (potential) trouble, but I too believe in second chances so maybe we give it a shot just move him back down to member, and to be honest getting trusted will take some time. I think we should take our chances.

hard i dont think you have room to talk. you posted our ip on the minecraft forums which was way worse then avo. he just got mad and made a mistake. i think he should a second chance because he seems sorry that he did it :slight_smile:

Well, I barely remember what happened. Why exactly did you post our IP on the avo channel?

Well, even if we unban, it would only be a minor issue to undo any new griefs. Someone under suspicion would be easily caught. I vote to unban. Hope it’s the right choice.

Yeah I guess an unban would be ok. I wont recommend him for a staff position again but I think he deserves a second chance back on the server.

Unban, demoted to member, no trusted-ship for at least 2 months, no staff-ship for at least 1 year.

Thats my opinion as i believe in second chances but he did post our ip on avo’s page

I’ll keep an eye on it to see if either of our IP’s go up again.

There is a difference. Hard didn’t do it with malicious intent.

Anyhoo, un-ban, demote, etc.

Anyhoo, un-ban, demote, etc.
he is unbanned on survival, currently having mager connection problems with creative. and since ranks are synced with forums he is demoted. :D [s] soon as i get a connection with creative i will unban on there [/s]

EDIT: managed to get on creative for a second and unban him. locked

just FYI the ban list is synched between both servers