I need recruits

I need recruits for a new group the group’s name is the Jericho and we are currently based in an NPC village although we will be soon to move to a large complex called the arc it’s a massive self-contained biosphere if you join the group you will be put into the guards you can also take a test which will determine your aptitude for other divisions red guard engineering alchemy Rangers and so on so I put this request out to you follow crafters come and join if you want to join head to our embassy in farcoast and place a sign on the wall inside I will be checking every day or so provided I’m on we work on a purely volunteer basis and but room and board will be provided to anyone who joins the accommodations are not the best right now but they will progress as we go upon joining you take an oath to obey the orders of x10mark2 goobydooo dryst04 and theJman1234 as we are the original founders and also to all my future red guard here is our motto in friendship we stand together to defend ps if you want to join the group but you already have a house you may keep it and continue living there but housing will be available in our village if you so choose