So I was wondering if anybody here had time to whip up a cool intro for my RightWayToPlay chanel.
If you could that wloud be awesome.
BTW why the hell can’t I make very good quality videos with fraps and windows movie maker?!
So I was wondering if anybody here had time to whip up a cool intro for my RightWayToPlay chanel.
If you could that wloud be awesome.
BTW why the hell can’t I make very good quality videos with fraps and windows movie maker?!
bold bit is your problem.
BTW why the hell can’t I make very good quality videos with fraps and windows movie maker?!
Make sure with fraps you are recording full screen, for good quality use a resolution thats 720+
For windows movie maker… not sure, you need to have a fairly high render bit rate and all that jazz, look online how to set it up to render good quality vids
I just meant windows movie maker…
It’s a pretty crap video editing software. Try something like Sony Vegas or iMovie or PowerDirector
I know it’s pretty crapy but I’ve seen guys on youtube make 1080p videos with it and I tried the same thing, but I get poop
Again, higher the bit rate and the render resolution. Ive just tryed to use windows movie maker and used the default settings for hd and one i made.
For the one i made i used 1280x720 for the resolution and 30000kbps for the bit rate and 30fps. The bit rate makes a hell of a difference with quality and size of the final file. so mix and match.
24000kbps was recommended for 1080p but i wanted it a bit higher and got a good quality out of it.
I’m just startin so does the bit rate need to be higher for better resolution or lower?
And just sayin somebody make me an intro cause this is getting out of topic