I am a Mod now!! Thanks so much!!

Hi everyone! I am a mod now! I want to thank all the staff members who voted for me and who told other staff members to vote for me. Here are some people I want to thank. :smiley:
I want to thank Niko12099. We talk for hours and you are like my big brother, from another mother. XD you will always pick me up from school. [inside joke]
I want to thank Kurry. I thank you for being your awesome self and for helping me along the way. From guest to now. :stuck_out_tongue:
Thanks Ouhai and Shadow! You guys had a race to see who would kick me first. xD You guys are too funny. Thanks for the quick staff training. You guys are the best.
Thanks Robin and Javi. You guys mean so much to me. You both give me great advice. You guys are my besties. <3
Thanks Jedi and Panda! I just met you guys but I feel like I have known you forever! You guys are too cute.

Thanks everyone. Tell me if you need anything I would love to help… and practice. lol

This really means a lot to me. I know I will be a great staff member. <3

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 koalamama

omg koala congrats like a million! im jelly of you now X3 lol im proud of ya lil’ sis

Lol im never mentioned in these


cries in corner

cries They grow up so fast.

I remember when you first joined the server, you’ve come a long way. I know you’ll be a great Mod, and an even better OP. You’ve become one of my best friends on the server. Congrats <3

CONGRATS KOALA!! :smiley: :smiley:
Welcome to the staff fraternity. :wink:

You’ve earned this!
Let me know if you need ANY help with anything at ANY time. (Unless I’m AFK.) :stuck_out_tongue:

Congrats!! But my name is always left out lol XD

Congrats to you

Thanks everyone!! And Chen. XD
I sure will Kurry. So excited! :smiley:

Congrats and stuff from the dead guy…

CONGRAZZLES KOALA BEAR CHICKEN WANG, ILY, I’ve seen you from a simple guest down to MOD, you truly deserve this! Ill Always be here for you!

So always…? :wink:

Haha thanks chicken wang. Ily2!! Always will be there for you also. XD
<3 koalamama

Congrats Chicken Wang, Told you you would get it! :smiley: