How to Install mods :D

So i have heard from a few people that most people dont know how to install mods.

Well here is a quick tut to teach you! :smiley:

[size=78%]How to Install Minecraft Mods - 1.2.5[size=78%]

this is the same with modloader and modloaderMP

you will need winrar:

Modloader: [size=78%]

ModloaderMP (note: not all mods need this!): [size=78%]

If someone wants to post the mac side…be my guest

[sub]IDK where this should go x.x (delete after it has been moved)[/sub]

umms… i kinda think your encouraging the people on the server to use hax :stuck_out_tongue: just kidding. It helped alot! now i can play singleplayer with loads of shit.

RLLY? YA RLLY! its called readme.txt files people D:

this may sound completly retarded BUT why wont the download for toomanyitem work

Edit wait i just found that i already had the mod downloaded

xD fail

xD fail

Agreed :smiley:

Oh wow, you are hopeless billy! xD