Hope Restoration Project

First of all, I’ll bet that many of you have misinterpreted the intentions of this thread. When I say Hope Restoration Project, I meant that quite literally - I intend to restore a lot of the stuff at /warp hope and hopefully build onto what’s already there (hehe get it).

The airport and what almost qualifies as a city at /warp hope was designed and built by the player Personminecraft in February this year, who has since been banned, so I presume that he/she won’t be coming back to work on that anytime in the foreseeable future.

However, the airport at Hope is currently the largest one that exists (that is pretty close to completion, I understand Acra City Airport is soon to dwarf that), and it’s been in neglect; the tarmac and runway were never quite completed.

Thus, I’ve set up the following plan to revitalize Hope as a major transportation hub for the entire continent on that side of the ocean:

[progress=100]Receive permission from staff[/progress]


Hope International Airport Renovation
[progress=30]Terminal 1 Interior Renovation[/progress]

[progress=90]Road Re-styling[/progress]

[progress=5]Tarmac Expansion[/progress]

[progress=0]Runway 09L/27R Construction[/progress]

[progress=0]Runway 09R/27L Construction[/progress]

[progress=0]Runway 18L/36R Construction[/progress]

[progress=0]Runway 18R/36L Construction[/progress]

[progress=0]Terminal 2 (International Terminal) Construction[/progress]

[progress=0]Air Traffic Control Tower Construction[/progress]


Transportation Hub Renovations
[progress=0]Further Parking Area[/progress]

[progress=1]National Railways Stop*[/progress]

[progress=1]PCB Subways Stop*[/progress]

[progress=0]Epsilon-Cartaz Highway Extension*[/progress]

[progress=0]Port/Harbor Construction[/progress]

    • These jobs may be completely outsourced to other players because National Railways/PCB Subways own their respective stops. In the case of the Epsilon-Cartaz Highway Extension, it is odiousderp’s highway and thus his property.

These plans are not final and subject to change at any time - not quite sure yet how demanding this project will be, and goals may have to be set a bit more realistically.

Kurry said it’s ok! Also we are already planning to build to hope, so that shouldn’t be an issue.

I don’t have much to do at the moment so just give me a bell when I’m online and I would be happy to help :slight_smile:

Ka and I have been working on updating the airport - good to see someone else trying to help update it!

I would love to help! Especially with interior.

Oh, definitely put me down with interior design as well. I’ve been itching to decorate insides of shit.

Probably maybe possibly perhaps definitely sometime.

Wot lima sed.

Sure, jump in and help anytime you’re on (even if I’m not around). Right now, it’s the main building that needs renovation (the spawnpoint of /warp hope) - I’ve spruced it up just a bit, but it definitely needs an overhaul, short of simply re-building the entire thing.

Heya! A lot of the city in Hope is in need of regeneration as well! Many buildings (including mine) and roads are messy & damaged now.

The Buildings Area of Hope:

My Griefed Building: I’ll repair it! :slight_smile:

Photos of Hope in its glory days!:

(You can see in the background there were large buildings, they’re gone or very damaged now)

UPDATE!: I’ve repaired my Art-Deco building, and have given you an office @AngelSentinel in your efforts for the regeneration of Hope!

Thanks for giving me a seat in the office! :stuck_out_tongue: You seem to have a good idea of what Hope is supposed to look like, so if you’d like to come restore some of the buildings, that would be very much appreciated! :smiley:

Angel! I really want to help on Hope! Maybe can we play some tomorrow? I’ll probably be on around 10 am PST

Hmm, I really can’t get on in the next few days - school and stuff. Here’s a quick sketch of what I envision the project being like - you can start working on the International Terminal (Terminal 2) if you’d like. Keep in mind, I’m hoping to have at least 10 gates on it (no less than 5).

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