Highlander competition thing for TF2

So I was invited to be tested for the highlander competition. I was curious if anyone else knew about this and if so, is it a big privilege to be part of it? (This is where all the professional spies, snipers, scouts, ect come to battle it out.)

Well I’m sure that this group I’m going to be in was invited by some well known people who have been in it.

Right. Totally don’t doubt you at all.

Lol brodur, you don’t believe I was invited for the highlander tourney?

[Quote=HkG Forums]01-05-2013, 10:14 PM
That Guy (aka swordmaster_) replied to a thread HkG Highlander Team in Team Fortress 2
The edit button, my dear Mason, the edit button. Also, fobby was the one who invited me to the highlanders team
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I haven’t a clue who ‘fobby’ or ‘mason’ are.

Fobby is the head of the highlander tourney for HkG while DERP mason is a spy for us. Fobby is the pyro for HkG…