
Hi Project City Build, sucks not have a good computer to play minecraft on but i decided to post a Hi and that im not gone yet im still here just no computer.

Edit by mythbeast:
Hope you meant to have a , after build. :stuck_out_tongue: Other wise it might be a bit confusing/BAN :stuck_out_tongue: JK

Well glad to see you can still get on the forums. I understand how it is, minecraft is basically unplayable on my laptop.

Hope you can get a better computer and join us once again.

Hi dragon, now just for a little edit and you’ll be gone again. :stuck_out_tongue: JK Somewhat sad, and sorta happy, only about a month or so before we go back to school and get the good laptops back. :stuck_out_tongue: However i may be a little more inactive when that happens. Since i am trying to get my art a little more advanced.

i knew what you meant mate. good to know your still around. get back onto SMP as soon as you think you can though