heyo peeps

Ok my b’day is 2morow but i think i might be getting minecraft from it just trying to convince my dad but theres a questions

can we pay with paypal (some might not know what it is)

Yes you can. As far as I know, isn’t that the only way to buy it anyway?

Also happy birthday :smiley:

Happy Birthday! :slight_smile: And andy, you can pay another way, not sure what it is, whether its direct to mojang or whatever.

Happy bday! Don’t forget to come to the server! We might give you cookies!!!

Happy Birthday Random. Also, there are quite a few other credit credit cards that you can use. Ive been trying to get my brother’s account payed for, but my dad is a little unsure about using his credit card on anything.

I mean Happy Birthday tomorrow. :stuck_out_tongue: XD

Happy Birthday! ;D

Happeh burfdai random :smiley:

Yo happy birthday mate. hope to see u in SMP soon!

I used my Visa card to buy MC. In fact, I use it everywhere I buy online from. Granted, I have to trust the site I make these purchases from first. Thus far, I have never had fraud with my money.

Amazon, Steam, NewEgg, Fry’s Electronics etc.

Wait, there was one time I bought my mother a card for pre-paid massages. It turned out the card was worthless. Bastards. Still, they did not take any additional money out.

Thank you everyone for the help im just bout to get on soon setting up a laplot that will/ should run it ;D

ok now im on the creative coz the survival don’t work

well, you could get a pre paid credit card, its pretty much like a gift card but it’s got real money :stuck_out_tongue: you give them $20 and you get a $20 pre paid credit card