Hey y'all

Hey y’all. As you know I haven’t been quite as active lately. I am not leaving or anything… So calm down Jedi. XD
Basically it has been pretty busy for me with school starting and moving.
I decided to reprioritize. I have been on pcb for countless hours every day. I was honestly so caught up with helping everyone and being around that I forgot life still went on. I decided to focus a little bit on school and make sure I was super ready for the first week. As the first week passed I realized how much change is in my life, some being positive and some being negative. I move today! I think that as I open the doors of my new house, I am also opening the doors of a new era. I am finding myself and changing my mindset. So please be patient with me, as I am going to be on soon. I will be checking in on minechat until I can find time to really get on. :slight_smile:

Ay, if you need any help discovering yourself, uncle Jape is here. Seriously though, you need advice with philosophical troubles and furniture arrangement, well, i’m here.

Yeah i dont come on that much either because of school… I leave at 7 and get home at 5:30 :S (+school om saturdays)

Life needs to take priority! Nice to hear you’re at least enjoying some of the changes, and looking at the negatives with an open mind.

something tells me you haven’t accepted spaghetti into to your heart

Ahaha thanks guys. Appreciate it. :slight_smile:

I miss you KoKo :frowning:

Enjoy moving though!!! :wink: How are your folders coming along too? :stuck_out_tongue:

Have fun in ya new house!

Life is always more important than PCB, however much you love us :stuck_out_tongue:

I to have been inactive on the forums so I missed this post but yes, I was FREAKING out! I am like KOALA! KOALA! where art thou! I hope we can still stay in touch, If you need anything you know I am here.

UPDATE: we just moved in and I should be back on soon.