Hello you beautiful people



doing my every so often drop by to see how yall are and to tell you what shit ive been up to.

  1. i quit smoking
  2. got me car
  3. started college
  4. hit 400+ subs
  5. now have merch
  6. doing public shows
  7. working in the studio on some new shit
  8. signed an artist onto my label


(btw hi we’ve never met before)

Holy crap the legends are true! Your f****** alive!!!
Well done on your achievements! Hope to see you soon bro

once i find some time. and update me shaders and resource packs

That’s all awesome news, congrats and welcome back :slight_smile:

Welcome back, Wooly. Even if your return is short, it is still nice to see you again. :slight_smile:

Ayyyyy m8 welcome back! Congratulations on all of those achievements!

Wb wooly!! You may not remember me but I joined when you were active!!

Btw could you send a link of YouTube channel?


anyway thats my youtube channel there

whats new in the world of pcb

Welcome back, wooly! It’s been so long since I last saw you :’( I still have the shrine in Samville :smiley: Congrats on your achievements and hopefully I’ll see you around once I’ve got wifi at my new house :smiley:

I can’t believe you went 7 months without PCB!!

Wooly, there isn’t too much news, in PCB. But, one piece of info you would need to know is that the Survival map is resetting.

Here’s the link to PrinceMark’s news/announcements topic:

I forgot about the promotions of Joe, Maddy, Mannriah, Octo, Silverhawk, and Lach. Sorry for not informing you sooner, Wooly. Thank you Joe, for reminding me. I always knew that you were a moderator, but it feels like it has been a while, and I’ve been focusing on school.

to sum up what has happened in the past few months

maddygabbyy, zwinky/silverhawk, lach and myself earned mod, Mannriah and Octo were promoted to SOP (hahaha I totally didnt forget anyone, right…?), survival will be resetting and other general hooplah

very easy when you dont have any free time

congrats to the sexy mofos that were promoted to whatever role you now are

Heyyy Wooly!!! =D =D I missed you! Gald to hear everything is going great and glad to see ya checking back in! Hope to see ya around one day! =)


Dayum congrats! ( I’ve 100 subs xD rip ) And in tradition of le PCB … Wb!

Dayum congrats! ( I've 100 subs xD rip )

I got 22 only ;_;