harddriver5 - 6th of July, 2014


Minecraft Username harddriver5

Date of Ban 6th of July, 2014
Server Survival/Creative
Banned by not known

Reason for Ban n/a

Reason to be Unbanned i did not do anything and i am unaware of my reason of being banned

[ Ban History ] No previous ban appeals on record.

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Harddriver shouldn’t be banned Bobriley314 (banned) is on the same ip address as Hard, meaning someone has ip banned Bob for some reason.

EDIT: Should be unbanned now. Will wait for him to get online before locking.

Harddriver5 has been banned for lava griefing now. I’m going to lock this as it should have been locked, but I wanted to let you know that he is now banned. [Locked]

There was a lot of lava grief that was very difficult to clean since it made water/cobble/obsidian in the making in the Raymont area. I suspect this was actually doing of said cousin Bobriley who apparently was with him today irl. Either way he is responsible for the grief that happened from his account and it was major, not getting unbanned

This was the sort of grief I banned bob for initially, yet I left harddriver as he started fixing stuff bob had done, and was flying around not doing much himself. This is what I get for trying to give people chances to clear up their mess… Ah well, good riddance.