Happy new year PCB :) + 2 year Member of PCB

Hello PCB members!
First off, Happy new year, and have fun in 2014 :slight_smile:

Now something else, I am nearly 2 years member of PCB, and I’d like to thank ALL of you, so EVERY single member, for those awesome 2 years on PCB :slight_smile: . Last year, I was being promoted to Moderator, and I am still happy to Moderate this awesome server 2013 is a year to never forgey. For me PCB is a special community, its one of the closest communities I’ve ever seen! And I am pround to be member of this awesome guys. I’d say keep going like this in 2014 :slight_smile:

Yours sincerely,

Happy new years!!

hmm, i joined fourms in 2012, but i joined classic in 2011. well 2 1/2 years for me?

Well for some its still new year’s eve, but happy new year in 5 hrs and 30 mins!

joined april of last year…its seems like its been 5 honestly…

Happy new year everyone! I’m kinda surprised there was no in game event with fireworks but I guess those that usually organize it are at real parties.

You can guess how long I’ve been around. It has been ages.

Happy New Years to all! I hope this new year will be great for everyone! =P

Happy New Year to the PCB family!!!

I joined at august this year, by luck of finding it on google. It feels like I have been a member for 1 year!

Happy new year, PCB!

it has been a few years hasn’t it kyle haha.

Joined Nov. 2010. Gosh, it’s been 3 years. That’s insane. Anyway, happy new years! And here’s to the best 2014 ever!

Happy New Year to all on PCB

Hi guys wishing you all a very happy NEW YEAR

Yeah, happy new year and whatnot. Enjoy 2014, there is only gonna be one for a while.

Merry Late Christmas and a happy New Year!

Congrats Marco on 2 years! I joined New years day of 2013. 1 year for me. :slight_smile:

Happy new years!!!