It is now the 25th in some parts of the world, so I’m posting this.
We hope everyone has a great day, and thank you everyone for continuing to support us!
Reminder: It’s the secret santa on the 25th, so check that thread for info.
If you’re looking for any Glorious music this Gabemas, this playlist will help.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Joyous Kwanzaa, and Gleeful Festivus to everyone!
Also Merry ChriFSMas for those of you who have felt the noodly goodness of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Ramen.
24 December 2015 14:38
Merry/Happy [insert whatever holidays you all celebrate]
How are you guys gonna spend [insert holiday you celebrate] this year?
Merry Christmas to all! I hope everyone on PCB has a wonderful holiday and the best Christmas ever!
Happy Holidays!
[size=18pt]Exciting news!
This festivus, air your grievances at /warp festivus . Leave a sign anywhere in the dome with the most disappointing thing that happened this year.
First Place:
PCB$250, first pick from The List, and a forum badge
Second Place:
$100, second pick from The List and a forum badge
Third Place:
$75, third pick from The List, and a forum badge
Competition ends 1st January.
The List:
All are Steam games
[li]Portal 2[/li]
[li]Eurotruck Simulator 2 [/li]
[li]Papers, Please[/li]
[li]The Stanley Parable [/li]
[li]Garry’s Mod[/li]
[li]Bad Rats: The rats’ revenge[/li][/ul]
Have a great Christmas and a very healthy New Year everyone
Merry/Happy Christmas Everyone
It’s now actually Christmas here in France, so <<Joyeux Noël à tous!>>
All Taussat residents can expect to see gifts at their doors !
It is now Christmas in Her Majesty’s realm. Remember fellow brits, the police are authorised to execute those who do not watch the Queen’s speech.
25 December 2015 07:36
Good thing i’m in Lisbon.
Although that means that literally everything’s closed. Even robbers wouldn’t dare rob today, so I don’t think even the police are up.
Happy Holidays From Houston Texas,
Its about 7:40 AM here, So of course Im the only one awake in my household lol
Merry Christmas, and happy holidays to everyone!