Happy 17th Ferfday

Hey y’all! In addition to being Valentine’s Day, it is also an even more sacred celebration— my 17th birthday!

For my birthday, I’d really enjoy it if you all tell me your favorite 17-letter word and give me a little description of why you chose it. I’ll make a small piece of art based off my favorite and donate 3 months on behalf of the winner. If you’re already staff/donator, you can choose how the money is allocated.

  • gastroenteritises
    Need I say more?

Exhaustlessnesses because it sounds like someone kept adding suffixes until they got bored


Triskaidekaphobia: a 17 letter word for the fear of the number 13. Go figure


I don’t know if this counts but the dutch word, Gekkekoeienziekte, also known as BSE, but it translates to ‘weird cows sickness’,

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peristeromorphous because it is used to describe stuff similar to pigeons

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Electrocardiogram: because like who doesn’t like seeing a visualization of their heartbeat. Plus it’s valentines day so hearts and love and stuff


Tenderheartedness- Its sweet; like ferf

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Not that the topic of “favourite long word” comes up very often, but I actually have given some thought in the past to the word “misunderstanding”, because it has a lot more common usage in everyday conversation than many many other words of such length, and it’s a word that certainly isn’t unknown to a lot of people, yet is still surprising about how lengthy it is.

As for its definition, I guess I like the aspect of humility and acknowledgement of misinterpretation (hey look, another 17-letter word!) associated with it; that is, owning up to personal mistakes. Am I overanalysing this word? Probably.

Of course, “misunderstanding” is only 16 letters, so I’ll go with “misunderstandings” with an ‘s’ for 17. And Happy Ferfday! :tada:


Overornamentation because it’s the nice way of saying someone is dressed too extra


Tintinnabulations are ringing or tinkling sounds, like from small bells.

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Coldheartedness, Because I spent valentines day alone


actually Eekhoorntjesbrood which means little squirrel’s bread in dutch

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Psycholinguistics, as it’s my favourite area of study. The study of langauge in the brain and what parts of the brain are responsible for what aspects of langauge. Also how brain damage causes language or semantic impairment :grin:


You’re a year younger than me and a year from becoming a young adult. If there’s one tip I would give to you, it is to enjoy this year, because it’s the last year before you become an adult, and we are probably living the healthiest years of our human lives. I’m not saying it’s bad to age, because I believe the older you get, the wiser you become, but it feels good to bike ride 50 miles during the summer season. I don’t recommend riding that long of a bike ride, but exercising sure feels good, and so does staying healthy. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this year Happy 17th Birthday, Ferf!

In terms of your desired 17-letter word, I have one that interests me:
Conversationalist, because I enjoy engaging in a conversation with other people. I also find it to be alleviating since loneliness is prevalent in modern society. It’s important to speak with other people, because a lack of communication can really put a toll on the human conscious.

To prove what I mean by this, I have a habit to constantly follow an internal monologue, a voice inside my head, so I’m always thinking of saying the right words whenever I’m asked a certain question. It’s strange at times, because my monologues often occur in my dreams, and only I could hear them. The best way for me to never forget about what I think is to simply repeat what I hear. I don’t feel lonely, but I do desire to speak to others.

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Apologies for the thread neglect, but I’ve deliberated and returned with my thoughts!
Seeing as everyone here is Trusted+ already, I’ve decided to pick 3 winners: one each based solely on word and explanation, and a third for the best all-around. There were a lot of good submissions so it was pretty rough, but here we go:

Best Word: @AuhsojNala

Best Explanation: @Poctivy_Ani

Best All-Round: @insane_monkey

Congrats to all three of you! I’ll be donating $10, which leaves each of you $3 (one month of Donator perks) to allocate however you’d like. I’ve also decided to incorporate all of the (serious) word submissions I received in an art project of sorts. It’s gonna take a bit longer but stay tuned!