
So i have a hack installed. I am currently using it for the FLY SPEED. Is that against the rules? i have configured it so i cant press a button for nuker.

if it is not alright, i will uninstall it and proceed with the regular fly.

Be careful with these clients, they can contain keyloggers. I trust you to use it sensibly and not to break rules, but be aware that you are responsible for anything that happens on your account.

I know the rules, and i have un bound (???) the nuker bind key thing. I also have bound the flying help stuff to it and unbound the other malicious things.

Use zombes fly mod instead. Do not use a pre-modified client.

Idk how…I keep getting spammed with random messages

the only things that are bound are space (rises up to higher flying), LShift (lowers you), and R (to turn on and turn off the fly)

But if you wish i would not use a pre modded client i will not use it. I can disable the hacked client pretty easily

I’ll help you out. Can’t say what specifically but I will help you out, let me finish homework and swim practice.

Locking Uninstalled. I guess nodus is infamas

Legit nodus isn’t a keylogger, but I wouldn’t recommend using it for flying. Its built for more… taboo things. Just use zombes.