GTA Heists

I thought I would throw out the idea that heists in GTA are today for console. :stuck_out_tongue:

Okayyyyyy… Why? :-\

About time they released that. Been eons since the game came out.

Gotta wait for GTA to come on pc now

well great! anyone wana join me trying the hiests out then? (ps4)

PSh, just buy Payday 2.

Yeah I play that believe it or not :smiley:

The PC edition should be released within the month or so because they promised that heists where priority over the PC edition but at least they will be released with heists. :-\

PC release is April 14th

I was at least close with the date

Xbox 360 user here, running heists whenever I feel like it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Coolstorybro, needs more dragons n shit

Downloading Elder Scrolls Online as I do Heists. Dragon enough for ya?

Payday 2 FTW!

we can all agree that pc is the master race. i for one prefer playstation due to nothing more then sentimentality to the brand. that being said i still would like to know if anyone who also uses the playstation 4 is willing to join me in hiesting?


I play PS3 sorry guys if anyone has one then I will play with you…