Greetings PCB!

Hello everyone, I’ve been playing on PCB quite recently and haven’t really taken the time to properly introduce myself. So my name is XiaoRubbishz, most people on the server call me Xiao/Xaio (an often typo ^^), but then Xiao is kinda hard to pronounce actually, especially since I’ve joined the server’s ts, so I guess you can come up with ur own nicknames for me. :wink: I live in Singapore, South East Asia, and I mostly play on survival, but I do help out in creative occasionally too. So thats all for now, if you’d like to know me better or have any questions for me, do feel free to ask. :slight_smile:

welcome! I see you have already started buying many of my enchanted shtuffs :slight_smile:

Xiao has a printer ink fetish pass it on

Haha thanks dord, i’ll get more when i need to, and if you have the items I want ^^
Vaio, its hair dye xDD

HI IM NINJA, I’m much better than you at everything, and after learning that you will never be as cool and stylish as me, you will still love me and worship me like a god :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D (jk hes on TS with me don’t rage you nerds)

Welcome! You probably won’t see me on the server all that much, but I’m often popping up on the forums.

Out of curiosity, the Xi bit of Xiao is pronounced kind of like a cross between a Z and an Sh sound, then the ao as an ahw?

So, kinda like sh-ah-w. But less silly…

Xiao is pronounced ‘she-ow’

‘ow’ as in ‘ow i hurt my toe’

^ Yesh and thats how you pronounce my name for those who don’t know how. Good example Ruby!

That’s what I was getting at. :stuck_out_tongue: You explained it much better and in a much simpler way… GG

Oh hey I have met you before on TS enjoy your time with us!

Xiao is love, Xiao is life

Every time you nerf a small puppy/kitten dies. Please don’t post in old topics for no reason!