Goodbye guys!

holy jeebus, i leave for a week, and AGAIN shit goes downhill… im honestly kinda sad Q.Q

All i can say is come back to us, and tell us about your endeavors and how things are going

guibo man, why’d you have to die???

See ya budy. Sad to see you leave. We had some deep chats…basically you listening to me rage… Well you better pop on when the habs win the cup.

This is honestly quite sad. I don’t know where to begin.

I am really going to miss you Guibo. You have helped me so much. I am so thankful that you supported me. You are one of my favorites on this server. I am so glad I got to meet you. This came suddenly, but I know it is for the best. I hope you pop in soon. I hope everything works out for you. Good luck!
With lots and lots of love,
Your pal,
The only,
<3 koalamama

Damn shame to see you go Guibo… I never really played with you, but you have been active in PCB, and it shows. I doubt there are many who do not know and like you.

I will miss you, as will many others. Good luck on your journey (called life).


we’re all gonna miss you :frowning:


I haven’t seen much of you and i don’t know why! But i know u as a cool guy. Also, you are forgiven for not leting me into the faction :slight_smile:
Hope you have a great life!

Farewell Guibo everyone will miss you

Stay golden Ponyboy wipes away a tear The world needs you.

Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf,
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay.

bye guibo, j’ai vraiment apprécier te connaitre :slight_smile: !!

Est-ce que tu parles Français beaucoup ou utilises-tu google translate, parce que je n’ai jamais vu cet phrase avant?

Whoa guys! Yesterday was hard seeing all the goodbye messages, but it meant a lot to me! So many responses!
I thought my last post would be my last message, but who am I kidding? I’ll go on the forums everyday and check on you guys and maybe sometimes post a message at times!

Yes, I won’t be doing the series octo… Took at least 3 hours per video and I just don’t have that luxury at university.

Sorry, for the people I forgot, namely Ka, Sacred, John, Mr Skee… but you know how it is! Too many names and I didn’t have a list in front of me!

Thanks again for all the messages, I didn’t even hope for half! :slight_smile:

Have a great day guys, and I’ll keep you posted on my fascinating life for sure!


Guibo is the ugly duckling all along that tricky swan.

Another one bites the dust…

I’m really behind on this stuff…

Bye guibo the duck thing

C’est OK mon ami. Bon chance dans ta vie!

I am not on your list Guibo ‘cry cry’ but will miss you greatly, all the guys will mate .Best of luck for your future, miss you already bye…

Wasn’t on at the time… Ill… Didn’t know you were gone. I didn’t think you would go… You are the first person I feel I’ve truly met on this server to leave. And… It’s disheartening to say the least. Nothing lasts forever, even if it should.

Good luck, guibo.