ghostinmachine7 - 5th of September, 2016


Minecraft Username ghostinmachine7

Date of Ban 5th of September, 2016
Server Survival/Creative
Banned by Mannriah

Reason for Ban Joining causes server to crash. Possible corrupt player data

Reason to be Unbanned If i’m causing the server crash, it is COMPLETELY UNINTENTIONAL. I’m running a vanilla version of minecraft with no mods and rather minimal video settings.

Additionally, I feel that the ban was overkill. just tell me i’m causing a problem, and i would have been happy to work with the staff to fix the issue.

[ Ban History ] No previous ban appeals on record.

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You didn’t do anything wrong, we just needed a way to stop you joining the server while the staff fix the issue. If you joined the server while it was being fixed, you’d crash the server and we’d all be back to square one. Please be patient, I’m sure the problem will be solved soon.

As asmo has just said, you will be unbanned, don’t worry, your not banned forever :slight_smile:

Locked, since question has been answered.

Andy may have fixed this. Unbanned; if the issue persists, ill rebar until we have a fix.