FTB Infinity+16 Installation Guide! (Deprecated)

New map would be cool. I assume it’s a biomes o’plenty map?

Lets do a new map!

Attempting to upgrade to 64bit computer soon, and I think I’d prefer to play on a new map when I get there :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably, but if we are, I would like to check for conflicting Biome IDs…

oke i’ve installed everything. taken out the keys mod and i get timed out as soon as i join but sometimes i have like 3 seconds that i am in and it shows that i am not in a biome but it does show my hand etc
is it maybe taht i am still banned on the ftb server?

It would indeed make installing easier, but updating still generally makes it so we have to download the map and manually update it. Last time I updated it there was something with a mod that was initially in FTB Infinity that made so I had to manually update the world.

There are also mods that players enjoy having that I feel would be best to keep. There are also some other mods that are added to make the game a little more challenging (Hardcore Ender Expansion for example).

I know I’m more than willing to help sort out errors people are having with installing.

Possibly? I’m not sure, I have to set up my FTB first, but I’ll try to see if that is the issue.

I agree, new map

Hey guys, it only took me 2 or 3 months but I think I understand how ftb works. I finally figured out how to use thaumometer! Btw, If I have a newer version of infinity will it stay intact if I install the version needed for PCB?

Yomi is not banned now. It should work and it is on a new map…

Yep, working now. New map. I am making a stipulation that those that had lots do keep a little. Most important is the thaumcraft research. All this skips is us scanning every item in the game again and hours of research mini games. I never finished mine…

Ars Magica levels and possibly other progress may be brought back for others. Really it’s 1 category per person.

Note that modular power armor is back!

Jape - Your version of Infinity will not be the same at all. We have many changes to the mod pack and configs. If you wanna keep both, your gonna need to rename your current one and create ours as the default for now. Switching the name as needed for the version you wanna play.

Updated packs again. Basic tools were broken like before due to mining levels. Modular power armor needed it’s addon. This meant replacing all of its files for 3rd party ones.

Many config changes that fixed single player crashes. World gen issues.

Not sure what was wrong with low level tools, worked fine for me.

Just for everyone’s information, the pickaxe progression in Iguana’s Tweaks is:

[ul][li]Flint (crafted)[/li]
[li]Get a clay bucket to get lava and make a smeltery[/li]

Because it forces you to use tinkers, which not everyone wants to do straight away.

The low level tools is the thing I really hate about iguana tweaks. it is needlessly complex and forces you down a linear path, which is not what infinity is about.

Too many restarts seem to lock out the in use port, its back to :25533 for now.

Added Zeno’s Reliquary to the pack. File is in link AND in mods pack. Only need it in your mods folder.

Also updated one config. Change this manually or get it from dropbox.

ExtraTiC -> scroll down to mod support -> set metallurgy to true

Minor update, we had to remove Translocator due to an abusable bug that was discovered. Be sure to remove it from your mod folder to be able to go on the server, the dropbox has already been updated for anyone wanting to start.


Changes! Get your changes here!

-Replace your config folder with this one. Only 3 files changed, but its an easy dl.
-Add the 2 mods to the mods folder and delete the older version of Brandon’s core.

I see your update and raise you another, less necessary, UPDATE. Dropbox has already been updated.

Is it FTB Infinity Evolved, or is there something im missing?

Yes, they changed the name to that with their recent update to the launcher adding Hard Mode Infinity.