For Removal: Spawn Railway

I will help Liam, building a proper old-school railway sounds like fun with the bridges, the cutting through landscapes, the tunnelling, sounds fun. I’m in.

nice! Will wait to see what the other admins say, before we start though, we have one admin approval so far :stuck_out_tongue:

only need andy or nek to say yes then :stuck_out_tongue: (specialk is away)

Make sure to consult town owners about installing stations in their towns. Also, I think you guys can take all the track off the current rail system and use that before it gets removed.

Read the thread I made. People will have to apply to have their town connected.

Acendently hit the No button. I think we should remove it. but build somthing else there.
but what?

I must be crazy by saying NO, do not remove this.


I plan to have a rail line that goes from Forsyth to the other major cities in the map and maybe some highways but not as extreme as the Old I-85 :wink:

It would be possible to connect the GTFO (Greater Transportation For Others) (cool name huh?) that is a Forsyth rail line project to this ugly Betty.

OK. The No one can actualy do that. The longest Tunnel in the map is 2000 blocks long from ERR to Suburbia made by brodur over a period of 2 days. I helped in the end with superpic and that saved alot of time

So wait, you’re saying connecting Forsyth with spawn is impossible?


Lol and they told me building a city on a cliff or making I 85 go to multiple areas was impossible, don’t worry, I will prove you wrong eventually, but not soon… Right now the server is being gay.

Good luck with it fili. Considering you will need to travel About…
4000 blocks?

and i would kinda lay back on any major building. this map this is serious.

I plan to have a rail line extending either on an upper platform, along, or under the Calhoun Cooper Memorial Bridge which is in downtown Forsyth and be a North South route intercepting with an East West route that could be made by someone else in The Docks most likely. Its not impossible, If I can’t do that, I will for sure be doing an interstate project…


Anywho, I think that railways would be very cool.
We could make it so that they are just City(A)-City(B) lines, and new lines are made for every connection.
Plus, it would help less-well-known areas get publicity if they had a rail-line to say, Spawn or Forsyth.


I have no issues with a new one being built (either underground or make it look damn good above ground), I just have concerns it will get griefed to bits in areas that we might not notice due to size. I also have no issue if this is to connect up cities but remember to consult with town owners first.

Maybe remove the current one and if wanted, build new ones?

We are currently doing just that. There is no longer any need for the spawn station so it should be removed.

Ok, here’s a bit of a progress update:

Main station - Done.

Northern Line - Route has been layed out, currently laying out the tracks.
Southern Line - Done, need to check it over, make sure it works both ways.
Eastern Line - Not started.
Western Line - Not started.

Northern Station - Needs interior completing, and chimes setup.
Southern Station - Will need Northern Station copying and pasting, then the build materials will be changed, to keep the station the same layout, with different theme.
Eastern Station - ^
Western Station - ^^

Station Locations:
Main - Sandy Point.
North - Creative Cove.
South - Is in a grassy woodland area, which seems good for a town to be built on. (I think this will be my next project when the line is completed.)
East - Station not yet built.
West - Station not yet built.

Thank you everyone for the help! It’s surprising how many rails we are using up…! O_o