For Removal: Spawn Railway

Coordinates: 118 84 -291
The spawn railway that runs from spawn through the forest.

Did anyone even use the railcart system there? (not that they can now anyway - constantly griefed and half of the rails are stolen).

I would like this removed too because it has a big ugly change up at the end of the first leg that goes all the way down to the ocean, nobody uses it because Hilltop is mostly abandoned and it cuts across some Fortress area which I will develop on if it ends up gone.

Well darn, I liked the idea of that rail system, but it truly is never used. I say it goes then. Want to leave the start of the track at both ends for future use?

Maybe a new underground one could be created? Or one higher up? hmm…

Or maybe a new one with actual supports so it looks more realistic. :stuck_out_tongue:
Anyway, I agree to this.

Yeah :L So make it like the old railways, with bridges, and going through landscape, instead of just a floating stone… line… xD

It would be cool if we could make this like an ‘official’ transport thing in the server. Like, have a big station near the spawn, or in sandy point, with four tracks, one heading to the towns in the north, one to the western ones, etc. And each station, in the first town each track gets to, could have a specific theme, or colour, so they are all the same layout and design, but different.
This sounds like it could be an interesting project for me, if it gets the go ahead :stuck_out_tongue:

it kind of makes minecraft look ugly, it’s like when you construct a road in real life, destroying part of the environment. It ruins the realistic part of it… PCB kind of IS realistic.

I agree with Vaio, with tp and all it will never be used

You also made it practically impossible to use it by blocking off the railway station :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha, the station was never completed, so it was unusable anyway

So, do you think it would be a good idea for me to work on a new one perhaps? Even if it isn’t used, it could still add to the look of things a bit, if I do it well, and I would enjoy making it too :stuck_out_tongue:
Also, if I was to do this, would an admin be able to supply me with rails?
Seeing as it would be pretty big, I would probably need help with laying the tracks down.
I would make 5 stations, 1 near sandy point, then the other 4 in the north, south, east and west. Then in each of those stations, there could be two sets of tracks going off, to each side, spreading to one town in the area each. People would be able to apply to have their towns connected, and I would review whether they would be suitable, depending on their location in relation to the first stations.

I support this plan. I have wanted a proper rail system for a while. Doing two lanes right? With powered rails?

I can help some

I have made a basic station in singleplayer, but need to adapt it for two lanes, which shouldn’t be difficult.

EDIT: Here is the save file if you want to have a look. Ignore the room underneath it, originally I needed some wiring, but I adapted it so the button linked straight to the track.
There are still some minor bugs, you usually have to press the button twice to start moving.

I will help build the rail too if you need it.

Sure, xD I’ll probably want to make the stations myself, or design them anyway, but gonna need help with laying the tracks down between each one, and putting it together

I thought that those never worked. And when I learned they did they were too griefed to use. I can help anyone who wants to rebuild it.

I will help Liam, building a proper old-school railway sounds like fun with the bridges, the cutting through landscapes, the tunnelling, sounds fun. I’m in.

nice! Will wait to see what the other admins say, before we start though, we have one admin approval so far :stuck_out_tongue:

only need andy or nek to say yes then :stuck_out_tongue: (specialk is away)

Make sure to consult town owners about installing stations in their towns. Also, I think you guys can take all the track off the current rail system and use that before it gets removed.