Fatso wants some Phat Compute power

Fractal Design :smiley:

Not enough colourful lights, 1/10

Nah the white on black looks so clean though. I have a Core 3000, and those colors are damn sexy

@sipjca What about white? (Define R4 Arctic White)

I have the R4 - its an amazing case, with excellent wire storage/spacing, but it looks basic. Mind you I didn’t get the panel that has the clear part… which I guess could improve the look.

It also fits my 780 well >:D

I didnt do the windowed panel, as I didnt go with a color scheme when picking parts.

Am I the only one that doesn’t understand what this post is about? XD

Honestly I would have picked the Beige Systems Beige-o-tron (1970 edition). Great colour, and one (two if it overheats and catches fire) flashy light!

10/10 would beige again.

Either one looks clean imo. They are tasteful designs. Basic. Nondescript, but fantastic. Corsair is somewhat similar on some cases. My friend just built in one and man was it easy. Could have gone from start to finish in 20min if I was building it. It was fantastic.

Case arrived! Starting building it and so far going well, theres a lead from the fan that really wanted to go out the back mosfet but taped it down whilst I put the mother board in. Getting the psu in now too :smiley:

Might start taking pics of progress

Do it!
I mean, I’m a pc noob but it still interests me.

PC After motherboard was put in (psu not screwed in)

stock heatsink, meh, not doing overclocking.

Some of the boxes I threw on the sofa

My old pc! Its donating its dvd drive and 1tb hdd, willingly! I asked nicely!

Side shot with most things in.

close up of ram

Close up of gpu

This fucking beast under my desk, i mean wtf. ITS HUGE.

Old pc under my desk for reference, Old pc from when I was still a full on smoker.

Some of the boxes I threw on the sofa



I didn’t realize that you got a micro atx board.

Sip recommended it, cheep and does what I need

Response to your build pics:


Thats the same graphics sippers recommended for me, I recognized the box on the couch xD

Oh looks like I’m throwing mine in then, give me a minute hehe.

And Brodur yes!

Oh and looking good fatty!