Ermergherd It's Ouhai's Birthday!

Dear Peter,

I am making this post to inform you of the current date, as it does in fact correspond to the date of your birth exactly 18 years ago. I wish to request that you enjoy this day and have an alcoholic beverage on my behalf. I shall also consume a beverage of your request, on the condition that it does not make a sizeable dent in my bank balance.

Your friend, Liam

Huppuh burfdai bruh.

PCB approved!!


party timeeee

Happy Birthday!!!

Happy birthday! :slight_smile:

Yayaayayaya Ruby! <3 Mucho love on this fine day of yours.

Huh, hadn’t noticed…

Thanks everyone!

Happy Birthday Rubski :smiley:

Happy Birthday Ouhai :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy birthday, Ouhai.

Its your burfdai and Ima Ruby it in yo face!

Haha ruby it in yo face

Horrible pun. xD

Happy birthday! Have a good one!

I can whip up a video after school today but im afraid that a few things would happen

  1. Itd be a few days late
  2. It MAY not be gud
  3. It will be horrid…maybe

Happpy birthday Ouhai! Have a good one! :slight_smile:

Birthday wishes and all that jazz. You better do something fun today!

Again nobody has posted this! What is wrong with the world…

Happy Birthday!

EDIT: I hit 100 posts somewhere! No more dirt for me, gravel time!

and this is the second Video then for you =P

My Little Pony PMV - Life’s Gonna Suck (When You Grow Up)

Both very cheery songs! ;D

Happy birt… Hap…

Happy blurfday Ouhai!