Equality won! <3 <3

It’s a 61% support rate

It’s fairly impractical to do referendums in the US, purely because of the huge number of people.

Somebody tweeted that if gay marriage was legalized across the USA, they’d emigrate to Canada.
Canada. Where it’s been legal for ten years.

It’s cos like 75% of americans think canada is exactly the same as america but with more ‘sorry eh!’ and maple syrup.


The Supreme Court doesn’t always choose the most popular opinion, but that’s often it’s job - to catch laws that the people may agree with yet are unconstitutional. Thus it was not up to the American people to make a decision on Friday; it was up to nine super duper important old people. Also, not all Christians believe in creationism, nor do all Christians disagree with marriage equality, nor do all Christians who believe in creationism disagree with marriage equality.


LOL this made my day

It’s great news America has caught up with other western countries! :smiley:

Great to hear that I now live in the worlds only English speaking country that doesn’t have marriage equality. Yay for Tone Abbut supreme overlord of Australia. (sarcasm).

For those of you unfamiliar with Tony Abbott (Australia’s current Prime Minister), I suggest you watch the below video, it’s a great laugh ;D :

I’ve heard that he’s the laugh. Many Australian friends talk shit about 'im.

oops, i dropped my bag of illuminati! ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆
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Thank you for your thought provoking response adrian.

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