Elytra Fall Map Addition

Hello PCB
I have some moments when I am bored of building and really want to do something not related to building at all.
I bet some people here have those moments too.
So I was thinking of proposing to add a map that everyone could access and that could be fun for a group of people, and fun for a person itself.
I was proposing to add Elytra Fall Map

You are in the middle of these 10-15 tunnels, every tunnel has a different difficulty, you need to choose one to jump into, and try to finish it, if you get to the end, well great job! The tunnels are pretty long so it is pretty challenging even for me that I played it.

PCB community could have friendly races amongst each other
It entertains groups and individuals
It has a variety of tunnels
The tunnels are pretty long
The tunnels are challenging

Some people may not like elytra
It is pretty challenging for non experts

Elytra fall link.

By the way I know that /warp elytra exists.

Feel free to tell me what you guys think!

Sorry for English errors.



what is the difference between doing this alone on a private server and doing it on the public server?

It would entertain people when they are bored.
You could have races with your friends.
It is a way to make people maybe have fun together in my opinion

You can make a group of elytra courses on the Creative map, and the lobby can likely have a warp for players to warp to. There’s no need to have a new world specifically for elytra courses. The edges of the Creative map (the western and southern edges are mostly unexplored) has ample amounts of open land to build courses.

Well, I like your idea but I do not see the point of creating a whole new elytra game (that will require massive amount of w/e in my opinion). If a lot of people are willing to start the project, then sure thing I am willing to create an elytra fall game. I just think that it would be easier to download a pre made map.