I want to make another DUBSTEP sign but i want to make sure im building in a area where it will be seen but not taken down. And i was wondering if i would be able to get some wool from an OP to make it look cool. If not then i will make it out of cobble and dirt and that would be ugly. I was just requesting this if im not able to build it at all then i will drop the idea forever.

A) You can just build it and if an admin likes it they can change the material its made out of
B) As for location, you probably need to talk to andy about if and see if he actually want’s this sign to be seen or not. Im about 99% sure not many would want a dubstep sign near spawn though so consider putting this near your own home.

[edit] U missed a period

Thanks man and i really dont care about missing one period ON LOOK I MISSED A PERIOD! ;D

Pretty sure hard24get was talking to me when he made that edit

If not then i will make it out of cobble and dirt and that would be ugly.

Then it will probably get removed.
Reebok’s idea seems quite good. Build it somewhere out of the way, and if an Admin likes it, they can change the materials for you, and move it to a suitable location.

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