I noticed that a few people have found the site called http://dragcave.net/ . I also noticed how some of you probably don’t know how to get your eggs and other dragons the appropriate views they need. I think how it works is some thing like this… You need views, unique views, and clicks to hatch and raise a dragon. From what i have seen, clicks are very good to have, however they only count once for each person who clicks the egg. Unique views are also ipmortant, but not as useful as clicks. Unique views work pretty good, but not as good as getting a good bit of clicks. Then there is the regular views, this counts every time the page is loaded with your dragons on it. These views are just a total of clicks, unique views and total views, so they don’t count all that much.
Since clicks are one of the better ways to get a dragon to hatch and grow up, there are some sites out there that i have found that can help you get your dragon to adulthood before it dies. The one i use is http://dragcave.net/ When you set up your dragons on there, they are garunteed to live.
One more thing, your dragon doesn’t show signs of growing up until it has 3 days left. It can also get very sick if it gets too many views and clicks, so be careful about that.