Just incase you somehow havent checked any of the sites that are protesting sopa, wich is very unlikely. We all need to go to as many websites that are protesting the sopa bill. Google is a good one. If you go to there website and click the black box, it will take you to a page that explains what sopa is exactly, just incase you didn’t already know what it was. There will be a little thing to the side, that says to put your name, email, and zip code. Just take the little 5 seconds to help support our cause and sign that petition to get sopa disapproved. Wikipedia is also protesting, go to there website and it will show you what it will be like if sopa passes. Please do what ever you can to stop sopa from getting passed, this is not something that we can let just slide by. I hope that all this server comes together and does what they can to protest the bill. I’m sure we wont be the only server trying to do this.
Dude, SOPA isnt the bad one atm… its PIPA.
And im doing a meeting at my HS today about it
Dude. Dude. Dude. Dude. Dude. Kick ass and take names hard. Dude.
Yeah I’ve done my part against it, still am.
That’s awesome hard, I am doing my best to spred the word and get everybody i know to sign the petition and help our cause.
That’s pretty cool how all those websites went black.
Guys it alright now though. Fili just saved the internet last night so everything is back to normal for a while.