
Not much, but hope it helps some.

Thank you for the donation Raw Bean!

Raw Bean eh? Thanks robin, glad to see you got unbanned.

I had to read “Raw Bean” out a few times in my head before I understood.

Thank you!

Thanks for the donation!

Doh! Now I get it. Thanks for the hint Liam.

Thanks Boy Wonder.

Again, took me a minute to realise what you were on about. I expect less people will get this one.

Boy wonder is also known as Robin, from batman.



late reactions eh?

just readed it never looked in this section

ps 55’th post!

Please tone down the random necroing. I like your enthusiasm, but your making a lot of posts with little content. Post count is not a race, relax. :slight_smile:

chan is right NO!

i dont do it as a race just have seen that this was my 55 post :stuck_out_tongue:
ps. i like memes is this post good length now?

It’s not just post length, what you’re saying actually has to be relevant for the most part.

Stop posting in old threads. Do not double post. Try to improve your English a bit. I apologise for sounding ignorant and intolerant but as people have said in other posts I struggle to understand you a lot of the time.